水上都市 The Aquatic Capital
(執務室 昼)
Advisory Room | Daytime
エーデルガルト: 師はクロードのこと、覚えているかしら。どんな印象だった?
Edelgard: Professor, what is your opinion of Claude? I can't help but wonder what sort of impression he made on you.
Choice 1: 策士 He's a schemer.
エーデルガルト: そうね。その策士ぶりは、今でも健在よ。
Edelgard: That is inarguable. And his schemes are still going strong.
With them, he's managed to keep the Leicester Alliance from the Empire's grasp.
inarguable ではなく、unarguable ではないか?yupeco.icon
Choice 2: 悪ガキ He's a jokester.
エーデルガルト: 確かにね。一見、滅茶苦茶なことをしながら無理を通してしまう。今も、そう。
Edelgard: That much is obvious. He acts like a fool, but still manages to make the impossible happen. That's as true now as ever.
He's managed to protect the Leicester Alliance with his cunning alone.
Choice 3: 王の器 He would be a good king.
エーデルガルト: そんな印象、感じたこともなかったわ。でも、貴方の目が確かだったのね。
Edelgard: Interesting... I've never thought of him like that. However, I know you have a keen eye for potential.
After all, as leader of the Leicester Alliance, he has managed to protect his entire territory all this time.
Byleth: どんな方法で? How has he done that?
エーデルガルト: 同盟領は、当初から新帝国派と反帝国派で真っ二つに意見が割れていたの。
Edelgard: Since the beginning, territories within the Alliance have been split between those who support the Empire and those who oppose it.
Claude has been acting as an intermediary between the two, essentially keeping the Alliance pacified.
As both sides are of equal strength, he's created a situation in which they've all agreed to avoid fighting each other and causing undue bloodshed.
By carrying on as though the Alliance is united, he's minimized the Empire's influence there.
ヒューベルト: くくく……よくもそんな危うい方法を実行に移したものですな。
Hubert: Heh. It's quite impressive how well his bold scheme has worked out.
However, he is walking on thin ice. One wrong move and the Alliance will shatter.
Speaking of Claude... Your Majesty, we should not delay in our invasion of the Alliance.
It would seem that Claude has some fresh scheme up his sleeve, to no one's surprise.
エーデルガルト: クロードが?
Edelgard: Is that so?
ヒューベルト: はい。領都デアドラの人の出入りが、俄かに激しくなっています。
Hubert: Yes. The people of Derdriu have suddenly found it difficult to leave or enter the city.
We can safely assume he is preparing for battle, but I am certain his plans extend beyond that as well.
Do you not think we should take Derdriu at once?
エーデルガルト: デアドラ、通称“水の都”……海に浮かぶ攻めにくい都市ね。
Edelgard: Derdriu, the Aquatic Capital... A city floating on the ocean certainly poses a challenge.
Since it's deep within Riegan territory, we haven't had the opportunity to attack it directly.
However, now that we have control of the Great Bridge of Myrddin, our situation has changed drastically.
They can no longer expand their supply line into the Empire, and so we can finally attack Riegan territory.
ヒューベルト: リーガン家、そしてクロードは、反帝国派の同盟諸侯の旗印。
Hubert: House Riegan is not only Claude's house, but also the flagship of those who oppose the Empire within the Alliance.
If House Riegan falls, the other Alliance lords will be tripping over themselves to join us.
That is why we cannot fail to take Derdriu.
Choice 1: 頑張ろう Let's go.
ヒューベルト: 気楽に言いますな、先生。貴殿はあの者をどう評価していますか。
Hubert: Confidence is one thing, Professor, but see to it that you do not underestimate Claude.
Choice 2: 手強そうだ That seems difficult.
ヒューベルト: 間違いなく手強い相手でしょう。先生はあの者をどう評価していますかな。
Hubert: Fair enough. Claude will certainly be a difficult opponent.
ヒューベルト: 新しき盟主クロードは、世間ではこう呼ばれているのですよ。
Hubert: The leader of the Alliance has had many things said about him...
They say he is unbeatable in a battle of intellect. I hear they call him the Master Tactician.